Inca din 2009, ajutam companii din Europa, America si Australia sa isi indeplineasca obiectivele de business si sa depasasca asteptarile in mediul online. In acest sens, livram solutii web si mobile centrate pe utilizatorii finali, oferind astfel o experienta superioara in utilizare lor pe orice device si sistem de operare. Ne mandrim de rezultatele muncii noastre, faurind fiecare linie de cod si fiecare pixel din pasiune, dedicatie si know-how acumulat de-a lungul celor 15 ani de experienta. Misiunea noastra este sa va calauzim prin bogatul si mereu schimbatorul univers al tehnologiilor web si mobile, astfel incat sa puteti obtine un randament maxim al tuturor instrumentelor si functionalitatilor implementate.
Explorati mai multe oportunitati si obtineti realizari sporite, avand experienta echipei noastre alaturi.
Dezvoltare software rapidă, fiabilă și foarte adaptabilă, realizată prin sprinturi si procese de testare bine planificate.
Fie ca dezvoltam proiecte custom singulare sau ca livram serviciile noastre prin parteneriate de outsourcing, prioritatea noastra este de a crea parteneriate de lunga durata, astfel incat clientii nostri sa obtina toate avantajele si beneficiile soluiilor online pe intreaga durata de exploatare.
Astfel, am dvenit parteneri de incredere pentru companii si organizatii de renume din Europa, America si Australia.
Alongside a great deal of passion and dedication, the beginning of any business implies a great amount of effort, especially when dealing with a limited amount of resources. Yet, the first steps are crucial to the success of your business and online presence is now mandatory. Having an experienced development team on which to rely can make a huge difference. We understand the challenges you are facing as a start-up and we are ready to help.
Right from the beginning, it is crucial to have a clear image of the technical road map and strategy. We can help you choose the tools, technologies, frameworks and technical infrastructure that best suit your business type and goals.
We are happy to represent you in any technical communication with your stakeholders. Weather you are trying to bring in investors or simply showcase the business concept, the technical details can make the difference. You can count on us to provide technical consultancy, professional presentations and assistance in any communication that would require technical expertise and argumentation.
We are a flexible team and used to modern working and collaboration styles. That allows us to act fast, scale up and easily adapt to any challenges that might come in. We are also happy to travel for on-site consultancy, when needed.
We act as an integrated part of your team. With over 11 years experience in helping entrepreneurs develop digital solutions for their businesses, we are able to identify, adapt and implement a working style tailored to any start-up team. With us, you can count on having a complete, enthusiastic and highly skilled team that can face any technical challenges and help you reach your business goals.
An MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is the core solution that a start-up can launch on the market in order to test and prove its actual impact and potential. The purpose of an MVP is to showcase the basic functionalities and fundamental concepts in the shortest amount of time and with the limited resources that a start-up usually has at the beginning.
The MVP should contain just enough features and functionalities in order to be useful to early users and potential customers. Is should also offer the possibility to track and monitor the way it is being used, so that you can get all the valuable analytics that will help you plan the next stages for your business.
Unless you have significant financial and technical resources to build a completely functional and complex application for the start, you should definitely consider focusing your efforts in launching an MVP in as early as possible and with a minimum investment. It is also unlikely to obtain any financing for your start-up without an MVP.
The investment in an MVP varies, depending on the technology, the industry, complexity and objectives. It is, however, important to maximize the use of the resources you initially have and to get a product to market as fast as possible. Here is where we come in to help you design the right roadmap, tech stack and functionalities, so that you can launch the most efficient and cost-effective solution in record time.
After clarifying your vision and business objectives, the next big step is planning. Together, we can identify the core functionalities of your concept and put together a roadmap that can deliver your product to your first users as soon as possible. Once we have the plan in place, we start working our magic and implement the best technical solutions to get your MVP up and running.
The best fit for online presence. Make your business stand out and start generating valuable leads with a professional website, landing page, brochure or catalog.
Sell your products online and convert your users into customers with an integrated e-commerce solution. Launch your online store now with our Pro pack
Complete digital marketing pack for unlocking the full potential of your online business through an inbound marketing approach for high conversion rates and lead generation.
Along the way, we have developed a significant network of highly qualified freelancers that are ready to bring their insights and contribution to our projects, when necessary.
We have been working remotely since 2014. Our team is ready to step in at any time and accomplish tasks fully remote, in the most efficient and secure way possible.
With our proactive approach, we deliver the full potential of every implementation across its lifecycle, while maintaining the security standards at their highest.
Enjoy direct contact with our developers and support engineers that are here to help you at every step of the way with prompt advice and resolutions.